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Welcome to Anderson Brother's Inc. Online. Anderson Brother's Inc. has been offering new and used heavy duty trucks parts since 1935. We have parts from a full line of heavy duty truck parts manufacturers including Caterpillar, Detroit, Eaton, Ex-air, Fuller, Holland, Hendrickson, Rockwell, Spicer, and more.... We also have a full line of rebuilt differentials and transmissions. Please tour our world class transmission and differential rebuild facility, browse our entire selection of parts and rebuilds, or search for a specific item in our catalog. Rebuilding transmissions, differentials and gear boxes for heavy duty trucks the Abros way has made us the Northwests Rebuild Center. If you need further information on our rebuilt transmissions or differentials, part selection, or would like to make suggestions to help us make this site better, please contact us.
Anderson Brothers has offered used trucks, equipment and parts in Northwest Eugene. We stock thousands of parts and have access to all major manufactur