Magical Day of Giving
Support the Artz Center for Developmental Health & Audiology when you attend Lloyd Center Mall’s “Magical Day of Giving” on Saturday, November 20.
Participants will enjoy:
Exclusive discounts at all mall stores betwween 10-5p.m.
Free admittance for children 12 and under
Fabulous door prize drawings
100% of proceeds will benefit the Artz Center for Developmental Health [...]
The Artz Center for Developmental Health & Audiology invites you to share an elegant evening with friends while enjoying the enchanting views of the Willamette River and the beautifully decorated Christmas Ships. This annual occasion is the Artz Center’s largest fundraising event of the year, providing critical funds in support of our work on behalf [...]
Parent/Professional Education
Brown Bag Series: When the Ears Don’t Cooperate
As part of the 2010 Brown Bag Series,Laura Polich, Ph.D. CCCpresents a workshop on auditory processing.
Open to all professionals at no cost.
When: 12:00p.m. Wednesday, August 25
Location: Artz Center (Large Conference Room) at 1675 SW Marlow, Suite 200 Portland, Oregon 97225 (Directions)
For more information call 503-228-6479