*News flash* We are proud to introduce two new employees who will be updating our billing department and helping with office work. Our new billing manager is the lovely and efficient Tia Hem, who will be updating all of our systems and generally tightening ship around here. She has many years of experience with medical billing and a mind like a steel trap. Our new front desk employee is the delightful and tech-savvy Sloan Lacey. We will be posting their bios soon, along with an October surprise.
We look forward to meeting you. We are a relaxed and friendly group, and you’ll quickly feel at home here. We believe that your experience here will positively impact your current view of chiropractic care. Our staff make your experience more streamlined and efficient; not to mention- they are super nice!
Hawthorne Chiropractic & Healing Arts is a multidisciplinary clinic offering chiropractic, massage, injury prevention and rehabilitation, sports performance enhancement, and acupuncture services to help you heal and stay at your best. We incorporate cutting edge soft tissue treatments such as Active Release Technique, Graston Technique, Kinesio Taping and supplements, as well as traditional chiropractic care, as needed. Our goal is to help you reach your health goals. We are here to help you recover from any imbalance great or small, be they overuse from hammering nails or plantar fascitis from running marathons. We have a contemporary rehab room where we work with you to build strength and balance.