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Scientists have known for years that mercury in seafood poses a bigger health hazard than in freshwater fish, but only now do we know why: chemistry.
Cut and paste the URL below for these internet TV interviews with Dr. Milner on Herb interactions, side effects, safety and Rx Drugs
Extended 11 min interview with Dr. Milner
Naturopathic Physicians Can Prescribe a Much Broader List of Drugs
PORTLAND, Ore. (June 18, 2009)- On June 2, 2009 the Oregon house of representatives today “unanimously” passed Senate Bill 327, expanding the prescribing authority for the state’s approximately 850 licensed naturopathic physicians. In addition to the list of naturally-derived drugs that have long been on the naturopathic formulary, Senate Bill 327 will permit naturopathic doctors [...]
FDA Attempts to Make E3 Illegal,Supreme Court Not Yet Ruled
Estriol has been deemed illegal by the FDA however Compounding Pharmacists and physicians are continuing to prescribe it and the Supreme Court will be ruling on it in 2-3 years… The beat goes on…
At The Center for Natural Medicine (1)
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