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Northwest Fly Fishing Outfitters
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Early mornings fishing dries can be very effective in the slower water with low profile Caddis such as the X-caddis or CDC Caddis.
Address10910 NE Halsey St Portland, OR 97220-3049
Phone(503) 252-1529
Nuances! Because it’s the little things that can make or break a steelhead trip. Our crew of top notch guides work hard and play hard all year round. If we’re not in the shop, we’re on the river guiding or fishing! This is where one learns the nuances. Water conditions will vary day to day, the river level might go up or down, the clarity can change in an instant, the temperature can rise and fall, and you need to be able to adjust to these conditions. The fish aren’t necessarily in the same lie today as they were last week or even yesterday. Only by being on the water day after day, week after week, and year after year, do you learn the nuances. Those finite bits of information stored deep in your brain that say “hmm, that rock was three inches out of the water yesterday, now it’s barely visible. I know where I’m headed right now!” Our guides don’t just know nuances. They embrace them. With our calendar already filling up, now is the time to reserve dates.

Alright, we get it; youre depressed because the Salmon flies are pretty much done.
Cheer up, because the trout havent stopped eating. There are still PMDs, PEDs, Crane flies, and Sallys to fish, but the most reliable is our focus here
Caddis, Caddis, and more Caddis!!! Summer time caddis season is in full force. Fish will be keying on them from sun to sun down. Be prepared to fish from the top to the bottom and back up to the top again.
Early mornings fishing dries can be very effective in the slower water with low profile Caddis such as the X-caddis or CDC Caddis. As the morning progresses start nymphing with larva patterns like Green Rock Worms trailing a pupa or emerging pattern. Our and seemingly the Fishs favorites for the pupas and emergers are definitely Silveys Bead Head Caddis Pupas and his Edible Emergers!!! That said, the old standby, Lafontaines Sparkle Pupas and Partridge Soft Hackles will still work. Try using a little split shot or none at all; the fish dont always want these flies on the Bottom. Late mornings into early afternoons should provide some decent dry fly activity, at least until it gets to hot out there. Speaking of hot, remember to look for those little shaded oasiss where fish love to live in the heat. If youve switched to a dry and its not productive, dont be afraid to go back down. As early evening approaches start swinging the pupas and emergers in the flats you know to produce good evening caddis hatches. This is also a good time to tie on Silveys Sub Merger Caddis for a little diving action. As the sun sets beyond the canyon rim, you should find many willing risers. Elk hairs, Para Caddis, X-Caddis, and Ole Faithful the Adams will be the flies of choice. Just dont leave to early; you want to fish these until you can barely see to tie one on. Please remember that you are only legal to fish until one hour after sunset.
We all know its fishing, and sometimes the little buggers just get in a funk. Remember to bring your assortment of stand by nymphs, i.e.: Copper Johns, Lightning Bugs, PTs, HEs and Stones. Some good searching dries are Purple Haze, Ants, and Beatles.
So like the man said in that old John Wayne western, go forth and catch some. Or something like that.

Buy online with confidence
Rest assured that “Service” isn’t just reserved for our customers in the shop
Please feel free to call us at 888-292-1137 or email with any questions you may have before you buy. We will gladly help you select the right tackle for your needs.


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