The Wet Dog Story...
The Wet Dog Caf was founded in 1995. The Brewery was added in 1997 under
the name Pacific Rim Brewery. The name of the Brewery was changed to Astoria Brewing Co. in 2005 to commemorate Astorias First Brewing Company which was established in 1872. The Wet Dog was named after.the original owners doghe
loved the water and was always WET.
Our Brew Master uses only the finest ingredients to create our exceptional beers. Each beer is handcrafted using a wide range of hops & grains, thus creating unique flavors. It takes approximately 2 weeks for grain, water & hops to become our tasty brews. Our brewery has a 4 barrel system & in 2008 we added two 8 barrel fermenting tanks allowing us to produce over 800 barrels annually.
The riverfront deck is open during the summer months thru the fall, offering
patrons a fantastic view of the Columbia River. Perhaps you will see the Astoria Riverfront Trolley make its way down the waterfront and stop at the foot
of 11th Street. Dont forget to wave!
In our efforts to being earth friendly, 2008 was marked with the Wet Dog
adding 15 solar panels on our roof, only to be the 2nd brewery in the State of
Oregon to use solar energy to heat our hot water tanks for the production of our
beer and for the use of hot water in our kitchen. We recycle all plastics, card board,
glass & paper, amounting to tons of disposables each year. We hope your visit is a memorable one, and we warmly welcome you back again.
Thank you for coming in today.
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