As family medicine providers, we are trained to handle the full spectrum of health care concerns your family may face, from newborn care to acute and chronic medical conditions.
The newest feature is our patient portal. Through this, you will be able to communicate directly with our office over the Internet in a very secure environment. If you are interested in using the portal, ask our receptionists to sign you up.
We are proud to offer
1. Electronic Medical Records This will allow us to take care of you better than ever before, including a patient portal.
2. E-mail consultations and patient portal. We are now using our patient portal for this service. Make sure that you have a user name and password that you can get from the receptionists. Send messages to the office, request refills for medications, update your address, review your labs and more to come. This is powerful cutting edge technology to serve you better.
3. Clinical research: staying on the cutting edge of medicine.
4. Osteoporosis screening, lab draw station and x-rays on site.
5. Travel medicine clinic: get ready for that trip abroad.
6. Audio links. These are interviews and discussions from various sources about health related issues.
7. Relay for Life participation. Pictures of our staff raising money for charity.
Recommended patient education links: Here you can find a collection of wonderful patient education links, all annotated, so you know where you are going before you get there.