The veterinary specialists at Oregon Veterinary Referral Associates (OVRA) strive to nurture a high quality life for cats and dogs with serious medical disorders. Our team of highly experienced and caring veterinary specialists apply the latest diagnostic and treatment techniques to provide advanced medical and surgical care for your pet. Guided by our philosophy of teamwork, compassionate care and collaboration, we provide the best care for your pet by keeping you and your family veterinarian informed of our findings and treatment options at OVRA.
OVRAs team of small animal internists, surgeons and support staff are a valuable resource for veterinary general practitioners, pet owners and pets, offering comprehensive treatment choices for veterinarians and their clients. OVRAs veterinary specialists have completed advanced training in small animal medicine and surgery, taught at veterinary colleges, and published numerous scientific articles and veterinary textbook chapters. Our support staff includes experienced, licensed veterinary technicians who provide knowledgeable and compassionate 24-hour nursing care.
We understand how important your pet is to you and your family. We feel privileged to be part of the team that will work toward restoring your pets well-being. We stay in close contact with your family veterinarian by providing telephone updates and written reports about your pets illness, and keep you informed of your pets diagnosis, treatment options and prognosis for quality of life. The veterinary specialists at OVRA are committed to helping you make informed decisions about your pets recovery. Follow-up care is usually coordinated through your family veterinarian.