Welcome to First United Methodist Church of Coos Bay!
We're so glad that you've visited us here on the web. Have a look around to learn a bit more about us. We'd be glad to welcome you at worship any Sunday at 11:00 am.
Excellent nursery care is available.
I have been pondering and praying over two important questions the last few months. They are:1. Why do people need Christ?2. Why do people need the Church?
For me, Christ fills the empty places of my life and transforms the dark places into brightly lit corridors. God loves us, unconditionally. Then God loves us even more. God has a gift for us in the person of Jesus Christ – grace. Grace for each of us. Grace for neighbors. Grace for those you’d like to pretend don’t count as your neighbors. In the person of Jesus Christ, God’s radical hospitality is breathed into each of us in significant and wonderful ways. Jesus’ parables tell of party givers who not only invite in the least socially acceptable persons in the neighborhood, but who bring them to the head of the table. Jesus teaches us how to be in relationship with others and with God. Why do people need Christ? Because Jesus teaches us to celebrate God’s love and grace by mending the world’s brokenness.