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Financial Aid Center for Long Term Care
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"I spent months on the Internet trying to figure out the Medicaid rules for my widowed father.
Address119 NW E St Grants Pass, OR 97526-2009
Phone(541) 479-2415
Don't give all the assets to the nursing home or to Medicaid...
You don't have to!!!

Learn about the Medicaid Asset Protection Plan (MAPP)
for Single Patients

Learn how patients can qualify for Medicaid (using approved 2010 Medicaid eligibility rules), while protecting assets, even if
already in care.


The new Deficit Reduction Act (DRA) rules will keep you from protecting assets from Medicaid? - False
You must 'spend down' everything on care before qualifying for Medicaid? - False
If you give away assets, you are automatically disqualified from Medicaid for 5 years? - False
It is illegal to give away assets to qualify for Medicaid? - False
You can give each of your children and grandchildren up to $13,000 without affecting Medicaid eligibility? - False
A Living Trust will protect assets from Medicaid? - False
Once in a nursing home, there is nothing you can do to protect assets from Medicaid? - False

If you believe any of these myths
you need to find out how the Medicaid program really works!!!
Our video will teach you the real rules of Medicaid eligibility!

Do you have a single/unmarried parent (or other loved-one) who is:

In, or about to enter a nursing home or other long-term care?
Spending $4,000, $5,000, $6,000 or more per month?
Still has savings or other assets that ought to go to the family...not the nursing home?
And wants to establish Medicaid eligibility as soon as possible?

The "nice" lady at the Medicaid office tells you that under the new rules the patient's money MUST be spent on can't transfer assets.
Your regular attorney tells you the new DRA (Deficit Reduction Act) Medicaid rule changes make it impossible to protect assets from Medicaid.
The big "Medicaid Specialist" attorney wants $5,000, $8,000 or more just to explain what you can do.
Everyone tells you that if you give anything away you have to wait at least 5 years before you can get on Medicaid.
Your friends and relatives have so many different opinions about Medicaid eligibility that you don't know what to believe.

With so much information (or should we say "misinformation") out there, you can become paralyzed...and very frustrated.

But did you know that you can easily learn how (using approved Federal and State MEDICAID eligibility rules) to transfer assets and qualify for nursing home or other long-term care MEDICAID - quickly! Anyone can do it - you just need to learn how!

The Financial Aid Center For Long Term Care has helped Thousands save $Millions$!!!, and we can show you how to legally protect assets from Medicaid for your family, even if you're already in a nursing home.
We realize that you don't know us yet, but we have been helping families deal with Medicaid qualification, Medicaid eligibility and the protection of assets since 1995. We understand the difficulties of dealing with the details relating to Medicaid nursing home eligibility (including other forms of long-term care) and the protection of assets.
We have seen families waste tens of thousand of dollars, even hundreds of thousands of dollars, and we honestly hate to think of you wasting one more day (at up to $400 or more per day), needlessly throwing money away, only to later discover that all you lacked was the Medicaid knowledge necessary to save it.
That's why we created this website, and the Medicaid Asset Protection Plan (MAPPTM) DRA Video Package ... to show you how a single patient can transfer assets and qualify for Medicaid sooner.

Protecting assets while qualifying for your state's Medicaid program is not that complicated - once you understand how Medicaid laws and rules really work. All that you lack is the education, and that is exactly what the MAPPTM DRA Video Package provides. This easy-to-understand Medicaid information is what you've been looking for. How do we know? Because we've helped thousands of families qualify for Medicaid while saving millions of dollars - people just like you.

To demonstrate how effective MAPPTM can be, let's look at a typical Medicaid scenario. We'll call our hypothetical patient Naomi. Although actual situations vary widely, we'll assume that Naomi is a 79-year-old widow, who had entered a nursing facility shortly after her husband's death. With her savings, and the proceeds from the sale of her small home, she had started out with a little over $100,000 in assets. Her Social Security and small pension were about $3,000 short of covering her monthly expenses.

She and her son talked to her attorney, the local Medicaid office, anyone else they could think of. Everyone told them the same thing. Her only choice was to spend her money on the nursing home until she was broke, and then she could qualify for Medicaid. They both realized that wouldn't take long. And, like most long-term care patients, she was absolutely distraught over the thought of losing her life's savings to a nursing home.

By the time her son heard about our services, her savings had shrunk to about $70,000. But, within a couple of hours of receiving the MAPPTM DRA Video Package, they learned how she could transfer assets to her children, totaling about $50,000*, and still qualify for Medicaid. And this in spite of the fact that any number of people had told her there was nothing she could do. In fact, Naomi is today still in the same facility, on Medicaid, and still receiving exactly the same care. She's even still in the same room. And as she said, the only thing better would have been if she had found us $30,000 sooner.

And that's just one example among many. In our MAPPTM DRA video program we teach you how to accomplish a similar outcome for your own family.
So call today (866-334-2243)! You will be connected (free of charge) with a qualified Medicaid expert who will help you determine if the Medicaid Asset Protection Plan DRA Video would apply to your situation.
In the MAPPTM DRA video presentation you will learn:

The nursing home Medicaid eligibility rules in your state.
The Medicaid eligibility and qualification rules for Medicaid for other types of care.
How to transfer assets to the family and still qualify for Medicaid.
How this knowledge can be used to protect family assets.
How much of the patient's assets can be fully protected.
How the new DRA Medicaid rules affect you.

Some of the other important Medicaid facts you will also learn:

The difference between the 60-month look back period (created by the DRA Medicaid rule changes) and the penalty period.
How, using a little-known rule, a 78-year-old widow was able to transfer her $300,000 home to her daughter and then qualify for Medicaid the next day. Most people who qualify for this "special treatment" are not even aware that it exists, and Medicaid is not likely to tell you about it, either.
How placing assets in a typical Living Trust does not protect them from Medicaid...and may actually hinder the process.
When NOT to apply for Medicaid. Avoid the mistake made by one patient who applied for Medicaid a month too soon and ended up disqualified from Medicaid for over 20 years. It's simple enough to avoid, but most people are just not aware. MAPPTM will show you exactly what you need to know.
Strategies to deal with the transfer of assets and penalty periods, while maximizing the value of the assets preserved.

If, after viewing the videos, you have any questions, just give us a call on our toll-free MAPPTM hotline (866-334-2243). We are more than happy to talk with our MAPPTM users ... at no charge. We want you to be successful. We know how to protect assets from Medicaid ... and we want to help you. In fact, give us a call right now and we will discuss your situation, including the impact of the new Deficit Reduction Act (DRA) rule changes.

The MAPPTM DRA Video Package includes all of the following ......

A professionally produced video (2 DVDs). The first DVD contains lessons carefully designed to teach you the key Medicaid asset protection concepts, with plenty of examples and illustrations. The second DVD includes bonus sections on taxes, legal documents (wills, trusts, etc.), record keeping, meeting with the Medicaid worker and much more.
A booklet containing additional information and reference material to supplement the video.
State-specific Medicaid information for every state.
A worksheet to help you gather and organize the patient's information.
A set of convenient envelopes, custom-designed to hold the patient's records, receipts and other important papers.
A large deluxe custom binder to keep everything contained and organized for you.

MAPPTM DRA Video Package
This package includes the same tested and proven strategies that we personally use everyday in our offices to help families preserve assets.

When you purchase your MAPPTM DRA Video Package, we will also provide FREE telephone support. We'll be glad talk to with you and discuss your Medicaid no charge. We want you to succeed.

When you combine all that with our risk-free money back guarantee, there's just no way you can lose.

The biggest advantage from using our MAPP DRA Video Package is eliminating guesswork. You'll save money and avoid costly mistakes.

When you understand how the Medicaid program REALLY works,
there is no trial and error.

The MAPPTM DRA Video Package is priced at only $149, or about 10 hours in the average nursing home. Now, could any rational person argue that $149 is too much to pay to learn how to save your family tens or even hundreds of thousands of dollars? Of course not.

After all, when people are spending hundreds of dollars per day on care, why would anyone want to waste their time trying to "figure it all out" on their own... especially when the answers are right here - right now. By this time next week you'll have the knowledge, the tools and, best of all, a plan of action to protect thousands of dollars of family assets.

However, if you're not sure, but you'd like to learn more about what MAPPTM will do for you, then why don't you just give us a call?
Call toll-free 1-866-334-2243 and speak with
an experienced Medicaid expert.
We'd be more than happy to talk to you about how the Medicaid Asset Protection Plan would apply to your situation.

"I had made an appointment with a big-time Medicaid attorney. As luck would have it, I found your site and was able to order and view your video before my appointment. What an eye-opener. He wanted to charge me $6,000 to tell me the same thing I learned from your video. The difference was that your video was much easier to understand, had a lot more information, and was almost $6,000 cheaper."

"Tremendous video and support material. My family now has a clear path to follow. Best few bucks I've ever spent. I never imagined that saving $100,000 could be so easy."

"When I watched the MAPP video it was like a light came on."

"Everyone told us that the only way for my mother to protect her assets from Medicaid was to give them away at least five years before going into the nursing home. Like most people we hadn't done anything yet when she had her stroke. We figured we were going to lose it all. That's when we purchased the MAPP video. We learned that most of what we thought we knew about the Medicaid program was wrong. By following the steps laid out in the video, Mom is now on Medicaid and we saved almost $75,000 of her $95,000 savings."

"From your video I learned that my father qualified for a special exemption and was able to transfer his home to me and then immediately qualify for Medicaid. In three trips to the Medicaid office I had never been told this, and, in fact, was warned that if he gave his home to me he would be disqualified for over four years. Without the MAPP video I would never have known."

"I spent months on the Internet trying to figure out the Medicaid rules for my widowed father. I never accomplished that, but I did find a number of lawyers who wanted $5,000 to $10,000 to "guide" me. Eventually I purchased your video and within two hours knew exactly what we needed to do to protect my father's assets for his grandchildren. What's funny is that I had found your website about three months earlier. I figured that I was smart enough that I didn't need to spend money to learn what I would eventually be able to figure out on my own. That three-month delay cost us about $10,000 lost to the nursing home. I could kick myself for being so stupid."

Medicaid Eligibility | Medicaid Programs
Medicaid Asset Protection | Medicaid Qualification
Medicaid Requirements | Medicaid Law

The Financial Aid Center for Long Term Care, Inc.
provides information for families faced with the financial impact of long term care.
We specialize in helping patients qualify for Medicaid assistance, while protecting assets and savings for their families.

The MAPPTM Program can help residents of any state:

Site Design and Maintenance by

AL Alabama Medicaid Program Eligibility & Qualification Rules, Requirements and Guidelines
AK Alaska Medicaid Program Eligibility & Qualification Rules, Requirements and Guidelines
AZ Arizona Medicaid Program Eligibility & Qualification Rules, Requirements and Guidelines
AR Arkansas Medicaid Program Eligibility & Qualification Rules, Requirements and Guidelines
CA California Medicaid Program Eligibility & Qualification Rules, Requirements and Guidelines
CO Colorado Medicaid Program Eligibility & Qualification Rules, Requirements and Guidelines
CT Connecticut Medicaid Program Eligibility & Qualification Rules, Requirements and Guidelines
DE Delaware Medicaid Program Eligibility & Qualification Rules, Requirements and Guidelines
FL Florida Medicaid Program Eligibility & Qualification Rules, Requirements and Guidelines
GA Georgia Medicaid Program Eligibility & Qualification Rules, Requirements and Guidelines
HI Hawaii Medicaid Program Eligibility & Qualification Rules, Requirements and Guidelines
ID Idaho Medicaid Program Eligibility & Qualification Rules, Requirements and Guidelines
IL Illinois Medicaid Program Eligibility & Qualification Rules, Requirements and Guidelines
IN Indiana Medicaid Program Eligibility & Qualification Rules, Requirements and Guidelines
KS Kansas Medicaid Program Eligibility & Qualification Rules, Requirements and Guidelines
KY Kentucky Medicaid Program Eligibility & Qualification Rules, Requirements and Guidelines
LA Louisiana Medicaid Program Eligibility & Qualification Rules, Requirements and Guidelines
ME Maine Medicaid Program Eligibility & Qualification Rules, Requirements and Guidelines
MD Maryland Medicaid Program Eligibility & Qualification Rules, Requirements and Guidelines
MA Massachusetts Medicaid Program Eligibility & Qualification Rules, Requirements and Guidelines
MI Michigan Medicaid Program Eligibility & Qualification Rules, Requirements and Guidelines
MN Minnesota Medicaid Program Eligibility & Qualification Rules, Requirements and Guidelines
MS Mississippi Medicaid Program Eligibility & Qualification Rules, Requirements and Guidelines
MO Missouri Medicaid Program Eligibility & Qualification Rules, Requirements and Guidelines
MT Montana Medicaid Program Eligibility & Qualification Rules, Requirements and Guidelines
NE Nebraska Medicaid Program Eligibility & Qualification Rules, Requirements and Guidelines
NV Nevada Medicaid Program Eligibility & Qualification Rules, Requirements and Guidelines
NH New Hampshire Medicaid Program Eligibility & Qualification Rules, Requirements and Guidelines
NJ New Jersey Medicaid Program Eligibility & Qualification Rules, Requirements and Guidelines
NM New Mexico Medicaid Program Eligibility & Qualification Rules, Requirements and Guidelines
NY New York Medicaid Program Eligibility & Qualification Rules, Requirements and Guidelines
NC North Carolina Medicaid Program Eligibility & Qualification Rules, Requirements and Guidelines
ND North Dakota Medicaid Program Eligibility & Qualification Rules, Requirements and Guidelines
OH Ohio Medicaid Program Eligibility & Qualification Rules, Requirements and Guidelines
OK Oklahoma Medicaid Program Eligibility & Qualification Rules, Requirements and Guidelines
OR Oregon Medicaid Program Eligibility & Qualification Rules, Requirements and Guidelines
PA Pennsylvania Medicaid Program Eligibility & Qualification Rules, Requirements and Guidelines
RI Rhode Island Medicaid Program Eligibility & Qualification Rules, Requirements and Guidelines
SC South Carolina Medicaid Program Eligibility & Qualification Rules, Requirements and Guidelines
SD South Dakota Medicaid Program Eligibility & Qualification Rules, Requirements and Guidelines
TN Tennessee Medicaid Program Eligibility & Qualification Rules, Requirements and Guidelines
TX Texas Medicaid Program Eligibility & Qualification Rules, Requirements and Guidelines
UT Utah Medicaid Program Eligibility & Qualification Rules, Requirements and Guidelines
VT Vermont Medicaid Program Eligibility & Qualification Rules, Requirements and Guidelines
VA Virginia Medicaid Program Eligibility & Qualification Rules, Requirements and Guidelines
WA Washington Medicaid Program Eligibility & Qualification Rules, Requirements and Guidelines
WV West Virginia Medicaid Program Eligibility & Qualification Rules, Requirements and Guidelines
WI Wisconsin Medicaid Program Eligibility & Qualification Rules, Requirements and Guidelines
WY Wyoming Medicaid Program Eligibility & Qualification Rules, Requirements and Guidelines


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