What is Neurofeedback?
Neurofeedback, also known as EEG Biofeedback, is a technique in which the brain is trained to improve its ability to regulate all bodily functions and to take care of itself.
When the brain is not operating well, it may manifest in unwanted symptoms and behaviors. By challenging the brain, much as you challenge the body in physical exercise, neurofeedback can help the brain learn to perform more efficiently and effectively.
During a neurofeedback session, we observe the brain in action from moment to moment, reflect and communicate that information back to the client, and reward the brain for changing its own activity to more appropriate patterns. It is a gradual learning process that may be applied to any aspect of brain function that can be measured. Neurofeedback is also called "EEG biofeedback" because it is based on electrical brain activity as monitored on an electroencephalogram or EEG. Neurofeedback is a kind of training in self-regulation. It is simply biofeedback applied to the brain directly. Self-regulation is a necessary part of proper brain function. Self-regulation training allows the system - the central nervous system - to function better.
We invite you to explore our website and learn more about this fascinating treatment option, as well as other services we offer.