Dr. Brody is a Naturopathic physician and licensed Acupuncturist. Working as a general family practitioner, she uses therapeutic methods that strengthen and act in harmony with the body's self-healing ability. Dr. Brody's approach is to educate, present choices, and empower patients to find their unique path to health.
Safe, effective health care — treating people, not diseases.
Dr. Samantha Brody is a Naturopathic physician and licensed Acupuncturist. Working as a general family practitioner, Dr. Brody’s approach is to educate, present choices, and empower patients to find their unique path to health. Dr. Brody has recently re-opened her practice to new patients.
Dr. Beverly Butler and Dr. Brody share a similar approach, and Dr. Butler is available to work with both new and existing clinic patients. We are very excited to offer a team approach to health care at our clinic.
Miranda Frear is a licensed acupuncturist and is also available to work with both new and existing clinic patients. With a gentle touch and warm personality, Miranda utilizes Traditional Chinese medicine to address acute and chronic pain issues as well as many general health concerns.
Above: Dr. Beverly Butler, Dr. Samantha Brody and Miranda Frear.
This gluten free bread mix was recommended to me a few years ago. It turns out that this mix is based on a traditional Brazilian cheese bread called Po de queijo. Similar breads are also found in Bolivia, Paragua, Argentina and Colombia.
11.08.10 Cook This: Thai Chicken with Shallots and Basil
Although I’m not sure how the February Cook’s Illustrated ended up on the top of my magazine pile this week, I was excited to find a recipe for Thai chicken that didn’t contain soy, or so I thought.