Americans love their pets. Each year, we spend over 40 billion dollars on pet food and other pet products for our furry, and not so furry companions. From food and grooming supplies to clothes and furniture, we like to pamper our pets as much as we possibly can. was designed for the unabashed pet lover. We believe that our pets are family, and as such they deserve to be well cared for. We have therefore created this website to be used as an informational resource for anyone that wants to learn more about what’s available from their local pet store, including the latest in pet products and supplies. We do not endorse any one product or company, and the information we provide is designed to be as non-biased as possible.
Pet supplies should always be of the highest quality available. Your pet relies on you to provide food, grooming and toys that are safe and are designed to help it lead a healthy, happy life. The best place to start looking for pet supplies is, of course, your local pet store.
A reputable pet shop will be able to provide you with a variety of high quality products for your pet. But of all these products, the food you buy is perhaps the most important. Just like us, pets have specific nutritional requirements that need to be addressed in order to maintain their health. Specific levels of protein, fats, and carbohydrates can vary from species to species and breed to breed, and many foods can be inadequate for the needs of your pet. Therefore, it is essential to talk to your veterinarian about the food you feed your animal companion, and to stick to their recommendations.
Grooming is also important to the health of your pet, and a quality pet store can help you in this department as well. They can make recommendations as to the correct type of shampoo for your pet, what kind of brushes work well for specific breeds, and can even advise you on how to clip nails and maintain teeth. Many of these stores even employee a full-time veterinarian to assist with more complex issues.
Food and grooming supplies aren’t the only pet products that are available for your furry friends. Toys are considered very important by pet experts across the country. Pet toys are not only a great way to keep your pet entertained, but they can also help reduce any stress being experienced by your pet. And if your pet is left home unattended for long periods of time, toys are the best way to keep your furniture and shoes from becoming chewed up.
If you’re lacking in a good, local pet store, there are a variety of online pet shops that are available. These are often ideal locations to find discounted pet products or products that are hard to find locally. A quick browsing of the internet will inherently reveal a host of such websites.