This site, as the name suggests, concerns itself with all things art. Our goal is to be a reliable resource for information related to the many different visual and creative pursuits. Here is a basic outline of the topics which this site explores:
•Art supplies – This section of the site explores the many different types of art supplies available. As a result, it also explores the many forms of art which exist. These include both two-dimensional and three-dimensional works. It also includes pieces dealing with time and human interaction, as well as digital creations.
•Framed art – The act of framing is commonly done for decorative purposes. However, there are many practical benefits which can be accomplished through framing as well. This portion of the Art Centric explores the many different reasons for framing or, in other words, the advantages of framing.
•Art store – This portions of the site explores online and offline shopping options. More specifically, it examines the separate advantages and disadvantages which come with each.
•Craft supplies – In many fine art institutions, labeling something as "crafty" can be viewed as a negative comment. In generally, craft supplies are considered to be of lower quality than those that are designed for fine art pursuits. Of course, this comes down primarily to perspective and personal definitions. However, this aspect of craft supplies provides many benefits to artists. Browse this section to learn more about this.
•Art easel – Easels may be created from many different materials. They also come in varying sizes and builds to provide for different needs. This section details the different choices a buyer has when it comes to these useful items.
•Art frames – This subsection of Art Centric describes the different materials from which picture frames may be created. It also provides some insight into making the choice between sleek, contemporary designs and more traditional and ornate ones.
•Artist supplies – Here, materials as they apply to different levels of the creative process are described. Of course, many people know that paints are required when it comes to painting. However, there are many supplementary materials with which even experienced artists may be unfamiliar. There are also supplies created for the display of a piece after it has been completed.
•Paper craft supplies – When it comes to the realm of paper art, there are many different focuses to be explored. At the most basic level, many people simply enjoy the papermaking process. Of course, there are also many different techniques for working paper. These require both specific types of paper, as well as many particular tools.
•Art prints – This section of the site explores general print types. When it comes to art prints, they may be created as reproductions of other works. Of course, within the realm of printmaking, the prints themselves will be the pieces. This is an important difference to note when it comes to evaluating the pricing of such products.
•Art materials – The nature of the use of supplies for artistic creation is evaluated on this page. Some products are designed to satisfy the specific needs of a particular creative discipline. However, many artists make use of materials which were created for entirely different reasons.