Need a career direction and a plan to get you there?
Looking for meaning and personal satisfaction in your work life?
Feel stuck or overwhelmed about what should come next in your life and career?
Want a clear picture of what's out there?
Looking for someone to explain the process, be objective, and guide you through your options?
Seeking alternatives, including small business and patchwork careers?
Having trouble job-searching in this market? Getting lost in cyberspace?
Want a sense of what fits you and your lifestyle?
Want to have more confidence and clarity about a direction that suits you and your family?
Career change is challenging, especially in this economy. Being fired or laid off, even if you had prior knowledge is difficult. Re-entering the job force after time off, an injury, or a divorce requires special thought and strategy.
Maybe you've been out of school a few years and you're not connecting with your work life the way you thought you would by now. You're starting to think about a long-term direction, but it's not totally clear.
Stay at home moms or women recently divorced and wanting to return to work may need to develop job skills and invest in education and training.
Mid-life is a natural time to reflect on direction and life purpose. Whether potential change is your choice or being forced upon you, are you happy with the way things are--or is it time for a remodel?
Perhaps you're struggling with your boss or work environment, you're stressed and burned out. You'd like to find another job but you feel like there's nothing out there.
Looking for a plan, a way to enhance your decision-making and develop a direction you can trust? Want to know what job search techniques really work in this economy? As a personal and career counselor, I have been helping people for over twenty years find meaning and satisfaction in their work lives and more balance between life and career.
Job changes affect your partner and family as well. Whatever your challenge, positive change is possible, starting now.
My new blog, The Inside Job; overcome internal challenges about worklife.
The best way to reach Gail is to talk before setting up an appointment. Call her at 503-227-4250.