____Monday ____6pm - Monday Men's Bible Study ____6:30pm - Once a Month Gardening Ministry Meeting ____________[Sept.13th, Oct. 4th, Nov.8th]_
____Tuesday ___6pm - Tuesday Home Group
____6:30pm - Women's Bible Study ____6:45pm - Youth Group ____7pm - Wednesday Men's Group
____7pm - Prayer Group in Lebanon
____Saturday ____7pm - Home Group in Scio (Studing Gospel of Mark)
Sermon Series - The Book of Romans
Click on the Date for the Bulliten Listen to Sermons on Podcast___
__Oct. 10th - Romans Chp. 10 -"Salvation is ____________within easy reach"
__Oct. 3rd - Romans Chp. 9 - "God has the right ___________to make Amazing Plans!"
__Sep. 26th - Guest Speaker - Bob Andre, ____________missionary to Zambia
__Sep. 19th - Romans 9:28-38 - "The Powerful ____________Assurance of God's Love"
_SSep. 12th - Ken Weaver, retired public school _______teacher,"Investing in & Blessing Children"
__Sep. 10th & 11th - "EMPOWERING PRESENCE" ______________Conference with Robbie Dawkins
__Sep. 5th - Romans 8:18-27 - "Why Our Suffering __for Christ is Worth Enduring"
__Aug. 29th - Jim Gill - "Don't Limit God!"
__Aug. 22nd - Guest Speaker: Mike Brink- "Praying __for a person facing a terminal diagnosis"
___Aug. 15th - Romans 8:1-17 "Walking in the Spirit"
__Listen to Sermons on Podcast