Dental Medical Staffing Inc. is a job placement agency that focuses on the needs of dental and medical offices throughout the Pacific Northwest. We specialize in temporary and permanent placement for a variety of positions.
Having served Oregon and SW Washington since 1983, we understand the necessary qualifications of any position your office may have. We take pride in finding the right employer/employee match.
Using our state-of-the-art employee tracking system enables us to find a temporary match within minutes of your calling in an order. In the event of an emergency, don't panic! We are available seven days a week, night or day, to meet your needs! Simply page us at 503.237.7369 and leave a message. Our on-call staff will return your call within minutes. We have professionals ready to meet your medical or dental staffing needs.
"Dental Medical Staffing, Inc. had a temp at my office door within half an hour of paging them this morning. Saved the day!" - Dr. G
"Hiring a permanent employee through Dental Medical Staffing, Inc. was a breeze as they sent us the most qualified candidates." - Dr. W
"Temping through Dental Medical Staffing, Inc. enabled me to find my permanent position. Thank you for all your efforts!" - Jessica M.