Licensed Naturopathic Physician Doctoring with a Natural Difference
Why Choose David A. Bove, N.D., L.Ac.?
Dr. Bove’s clinical experience spans nineteen years and encompasses naturopathic medicine, acupuncture, counseling & health psychology and stress management. He has expertise in treating a wide variety of chronic, challenging health conditions (see Areas of Specialization) as well as addressing…
Clinical nutrition & diet counseling is the cornerstone of naturopathic medicine. It refers to both the practice of using food to maintain health and the therapeutic use of food to treat illness. Dr. Bove utilizes a blood-type specific approach…
Dr. David Bove provides comprehensive natural health care for all challenging health conditions. Guided by the Principles of Naturopathic Medicine he focuses on understanding the underlying cause of disease and treating the whole personmind, body and spiritaligned with the healing…
Principle of Naturopathic Medicine
Vis Medicatrix Naturae: The Healing Power of Nature. The healing power of nature is the inherent self-organizing and healing process of living systems which establishes, maintains and restores health. Naturopathic medicine recognizes this healing process to be ordered and intelligent….
Areas of Specialization
Dr. Bove’s practice provides a comprehensive and integrated medical approach that addresses a full spectrum of care from wellness and prevention, to treating chronic degenerative disease and challenging health conditions, to promoting longevity. He provides general primary care services for…
About David A. Bove, N.D., L.Ac.
Dr. Bove is a licensed naturopathic physician and acupuncturist with a practice that spans nineteen years. He received his Doctorate of Naturopathic Medicine from Bastyr University of Natural Health Sciences in 1991. He also earned a Masters in Acupuncture while…
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