Welcome to Lifestyle Chiropractic. Our purpose is to help make Central Oregon healthier one spine, nervous system and lifestyle at a time! We love helping the body regain its ability to heal and regulate itself through gentle chiropractic adjustments and simple adjustments to ones lifestyle, so that you can return to living your best life possible.
Our office utilizes 21st century technology to evaluate your spine, nervous system and your lifestyle. All of this technology takes the guess work out of what and where the problem is and how to correct it. This allows us to tell you with absolute certainty if we can help you and how long it will take to resolve yor problem.
We specialize in taking care of the entire family, Mom, Dad, brothers, sisters and grandparents too!! From the womb to the tomb! There really is not one person that could not benefit from having a healthy spine, nervous system and lifestyle. We look forward to serving you, your family and this community for many years to come!