Face Time Productions is an event agency designed for the 21st Century. We are a collective of creative and technical experts in all areas of corporate event production, meeting production, event media production, event video production, virtual meetings, and interactive events.
As social media and the Internet have become vital strategic marketing tools for our clients, we believe that live event and experiential marketing are more valuable than ever to convert Influencers into Brand Ambassadors. Rather than replace live interaction, we believe that Internet adoption has made live events even more strategically relevant for creating the relationships necessary for a company to engage its stakeholders.
Recognizing the strategic value of what we do, we help our clients to present their message in a way that directly addresses and exceeds audience expectations; integrating message and brand with emotion for impact and motivation. Some people call it the ‘Wow’ factor. We believe in a more subtle approach.
At our core is an A-team of event designers, graphic designers, event staging and audio visual specialists who bring an average of 20 years of expertise to our projects. We leverage our collective expertise to deliver production values that exceed the expectations of clients, executives, and audiences. We are expert innovators who create memorable event experiences.
While we are a full-service event agency, our innovative structure allows us to balance our approach to fit each project’s need, resulting in better results for less cost. Send us an RFP or drop us a line today to find out more about how we can improve the effectiveness of your event and save you money at the same time. We’ll discuss the goals, logistics and budget of your project and provide you with a complete proposal for all event production services.