Are you achieving peak performance in your forest products business?
The conventional approach to evaluating the use of resources is to apply various cost and revenue calculations to determine the "best" operating pattern. However, such calculations often are limited in scope and do not address the complex financial and process-related interactions of the manufacturing and logistics environment. Without the proper decision-making tools managers cannot maximize business performance.
The wood business is very complex and dynamic. Change is constant. No two trees are exactly alike. Managers try to simultaneously increase productivity, maximize wood recovery, minimize cost, maximize sales realization and hopefully maximize profitability. Implicit in this environment are questions such as:
"Which logs should I buy?"
"What products should I cut or peel?"
"How shall I make the products (cutting options, layups)?"
"Where shall I make the products?"
Optware Solutions can help you answer these questions and many more. We provide the unique technology and industry-specific expertise necessary to maximize your profits.
See the December 2008 article entitled "The Measure that Matters" in Timber Processing Magazine
Authored by Stephen Griffith, President of Optware Solutions
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