We strive to meet the highest standards of professional service and carefully selected products to meet your eye health and vision needs. Your eyes and vision are very complex. We have the skills and experience to help you protect your gift of sight.
Why did I select the name Bison Vision Center? I grew up in New Hampshire with an Easterners romantic view of the Wild West. After graduating with a degree in Psychology from Colby College in Maine, I accepted a Commission in the United States Air Force. I was stationed under Montana as a Deputy Launch Commander in a Strategic Air Command Missile Silo. While in Montana, I spent my free time exploring the West, working on round-ups, and visiting Indian reservations and historic communities. I separated from the Air Force to pursue a degree in Optometry. I attended Montana State University in Bozeman to pick up calculus, biology, chemistry, and physics. As part of my Optometry School program I developed an internship on the Fort Peck Indian Reservation in Wolf Point, Montana. I later worked for Pacific University as a clinical instructor on Colville and Tahola Indian Reservations in Washington. I saw the real west from the perspective of the modern cowboy and the modern Indian. Both cultures work very hard to preserve their values of the past, but both are in danger of fading from memory. In Indian culture animal totems were recognized for their role in the Indians daily life. The coyote was the trickster, the bear was the healer and provider of healing medicines, and the bison was the giver, as it provided clothing, food, shelter, weapons and even fuel for their fires. In our office you will see many images of Bison and Bear, two constant reminders to me that I have the privilege of meeting your eye health and vision needs and helping to preserving your gift of sight.